No. 5) How to avoid toxic food additives
This time, i'll focus on "how we can get rid of bad chemicals in food - toxic food additives - out of your body system". As our body generates new cells to keep itself in good health, it also has a natural detox system. This system comprises of various organs as well as supporting systems to facilitate our body to purge out toxins through the skin, lungs, kidneys, liver, and colon. The processes of expulsion of these toxins are either through urination, fecal excretion, breath, or these toxins can also be neutralized by your organ.
However, these organs and supporting systems are like rivers flowing toward the ocean. It can be smooth in its travel so long as there are no accumulation of riverbank debris and narrowing of the riverbank. How do we accumulate riverbank debris? More often than not, it is the human intervention into the natural habitat that resulted in this.
If one organ becomes congested, the others must work harder to keep the system balanced. What junks do choke up and narrows our elimination system and slows down its detox function? The body doesn't just have to deal with the toxins we consume (drug residues, chemicals, food additives, saturated fat, high sugar), but those from external sources, such as include environmental pollutants (fungi, pesticides, heavy metals), polluted air (excessive carbon monoxide) and water etc. Those junks were never available in old days. For recent decades, we are exposed to them significantly.

If the body has to constantly deal with the onslaught of chemicals we ingest, there will be times when the body can no longer fulfill all its other major functions. Our increasing exposure to them has led us to see more cancer cases, chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, as well as inflammatory diseases like arthritis.
Isn't it too late you seriously start considering about those toxins till you finally get into direct contact with cancer in your life?? Recognizing and avoiding these harmful chemicals will definitely help you to keep your body in good condition. We must recognize not to abuse our natural detox system but allow them to function at their optimum. If they have been choked up for some time, it would require patience for your body to clear the debris accumulated over time and allow our detoxification organs to work their best again. This is the reason that we suffer from an initial stage of healing crisis (clearing up the debris) and then a strong feeling of rejuvenation and alertness (proper functioning of our natural detox function). It is through proper care of all these organs that they can expel toxins and neutralize them easily.
- Educate yourself and make wise and healthy choice for your food intake.You are the one who make choices of what you consume. I've helped you to learn what you should look for and the reason why those are important for YOU. Read the food labels and avoid the foods that contain toxic food additives. Get fresh vegetables and fruits and cook at home. If you didn't demand the foods with toxic, the food manufactures have to supply something WE WANT TO BUY. Be smart. Take in charge of your health. You are the one who can make it happen!!
- Make more severe laws to ban using toxic food additives.
If we knew that those bad chemicals in foods make us sick, why don't we stop taking them? Although most governments ban the use of harmful chemicals in food, unfortunately all manufacturers don't oblige. Make the laws to enforce the food manufactures to ban the toxic food additives. Unless you take a initiative about your food intake, who does? Voicot the foods that contain those toxic food additives and give the food manufactures pressure. Without their economical damage, the food manufactures wouldn't do anything about it. We, the consumers, have to take charge of OUR healthy well being. You're the one who can make it happen!!

Do we need to have a chemical degree to read the labels?! How can we read such a tiny print? The label should state possible dangers in any of the ingredients, and/or make the names of ingredients easier to read.
- Use natural food preservatives.
Natural food preservatives include substances such as salt, sugar, rosemary extract and vinegar. Among these, salt, sugar and vinegar are used as an ingredient rather than additives or preservatives. They are preservatives that have been used in the recipe itself, hence they are also called as traditional preservatives.
- Pass laws the require fast food restaurants to use more natural ingredients
A great deal of the support for chemical laden, toxic food is the fast food industry. The fast food industry is thriving right now because of people looking for inexpensive and convenient food. Do you know how expensive your medical bill will cost you? Do you really want to exchange your health over the convenience???? Wake up!
Useful websites for investigating food additives:
Food Additives –
National Institute of Health –
FDA Consumer –
We've learned so much about bad chemicals in foods. You got to eat everyday. You have a full control of what you consume. Avoid those toxic food additives that would make you sick. Take charge of your healthy life. It's too late to realize how great your life can be with great health when you get sick. YOU make choices. You have the power. Be wise for yourself and loved ones.
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