Friday, April 23, 2010

Bad Restaurant Experiences

Have you ever had bad restaurant experiences? Hell, yeah! Dirty tables, bad services, yucky foods etc.
I'm a foodie. So I'm a little careless about customer services and decor. Though I prefer clean, I can put up with bad services (a lot more tolerant than ordinary annoying customers) over good foods. I go there for the food, not for the service. Foods make me happy, other stuff is just a bonus for me. If the foods were bad, I WON'T come back - no second chance from me. First impression is very important here. lol

I've worked in restaurant industry. Giving bad restaurant experience to customers is the last thing I would do. I was well trained at very high-end places known for great customer services from the beginning of my career in the industry. All of my senior co-workers and managers had incredibly high expectations and paid a lot of attention to details. I've done all the roles in a restaurant - from a dish washer to manager. So I DO KNOW how much restaurant workers have to work to give "great customer service" at the restaurant. 

Hence, I'm one of the easiest customer when I eat at restaurant. I don't complain nor demand. All I want from my server is to get my food in timely manner and my drink refilled. How easy is that?! I don't ask much and give more than 20 % tips easily. I had to work a lot more to get the tips when I was a server... Well, some genius created "Tip" system for the sake of restaurant industry. It switched the obligation for their labor cost to the customers. How brilliant is that????? 

Haha, I know it sounds weird. I should be a PICKY customer after my last paragraph, right? I feel sorry when I see very annoying and rude customers complained to the manager or the servers. I do know how the restaurant people feel. It's incredible how rude and cheap customers here can be at the restaurant. Shame on you!!!!! It's embarrassing for you to show everyone at restaurant how frugal and inconsiderate you are.... If you don't like it, just don't come back instead of complaining. I don't see any complainer at restaurant in Japan....

Even if I were the easiest customer, I have occasionally some moments I wanna say or complain. So I decided to blog not only the good restaurant experiences but also bad ones.

Suggest for annoying customers: Unless the reason for the complain was severe and valid, don't complain. Never come back instead !! Don't just complain just because you want to cut the bill. Especially don't complain in front of your date embarrassed by you....

Suggest for restaurant workers:  Work hard to EARN your tips. Don't expect me to give you tips automatically if you didn't make any efforts to make MY restaurant experience enjoyable. You are the key for not creating bad restaurant experiences. WORK!!  Little efforts make a big difference.  

I hope this blog helps you and restaurants to decrease the bad restaurant experiences in the future. Check my restaurant reviews, as well. 

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