My favorite Japanese Foods (No.4) - Kewpie Mayonnaise.
Hey, I'm not talking about fresh-made mayonnaise here. I've made it before by myself and it tasted great! This is something you can get any super market in Japan and any Asian market in US easily, but tastes so great :) Once you tried this, you WON'T be back to an American mayonnaise anymore. Hehehehe, I'm not kidding. By the way, I hate an American Mayonnaise. I won't buy it anymore. Because it tastes awful. It's tasteless and has a weird texture - it's almost like glue. It's white. The better egg yolk you use, the yellower its color becomes. The color is one of the indications of better quality you can get out of your mayonnaise. (I believe. lol)
I'm not a big fan of Mayonnaise. What the hell am I talking about - I'm saying Kewpie mayonnaise is my favorite Japanese food?! Yeah, it tastes good - I admit that. But it has high calories. It basically made from egg yolk, OIL, citrus juice, and seasonings. I naturally avoid using it. I use only minimum portion when I use it. This is my "guilty pleasure" seasoning. It's that good :D
I'm very conscious about my weight. I'm not skinny by Japanese standards. Though my American friends consider me as skinny, I never think so. I workout at gym and pay lots of attention to my intake. My weight hasn't changed since high school. But I gained a lot after I seriously started working out thanks to muscle weight. Dress size gets down despise of my weight gain - muscles weight 3 times more than fat. Using mayonnaise is pretty much my "guilty pleasure". lol
Kewpie has various products - from mayonnaise to dressings. It also has their own 3 minute TV cooking show (Sorry, it's in Japanese). It's been there forever. Do you know why I bring it up? The theme song. You hear it before and after the show. Tara ratta tattatta, tara ratta tattata.... It stuck to my head... Gosh, I wish I can bring the song here :(
Even its high calories, I still love this. You can use it to various dishes. There are some weird flavor ones like wasabi. I sometimes like to use it with soy sauce or Bull Dog Tonkatsu sauce. This will enhance your dishes for sure :) This stays strong and forever in fiercely competitive Japanese food market. It just because it tastes so good. That's why this Kewpie mayonnaise is my favorite Japanese food.
You can see more of my favorite Japanese food and other stuff on Yelp. Check them out!
HOLY-MOLY! Kewpie is also my all time most favorite mayonnaise ever!
ReplyDeleteIt's the best mayo ever!!