I'm very proud of myself for passing a sommelier exam with the highest score in the class (around 40 people). I did study a lot for 6 months by making my own notes and flash cards. I carried and memorized them even while walking for exercise. I'm weird - I love to learn. I think it's coming from my curious nature. And I love wine - I got some elements I could become a certified sommelier. I can't remember my cell phone number, but was always good at memorizing things for tests at schools. Basically I memorized the whole book to pass the test :) In fact, I didn't mean to study that much - I just wanted to pass it at first. I did it just because I felt like I was insulted by the Master Sommelier who taught the class. He thought I couldn't make it just because I was a Japanese chick with broken English who worked at Japanese restaurant with a little wine. He is the manager of VERY famous wine restaurant in Orange County. He is also infamous for being a "Male Chauvinist Pig" at a VERY well known company.
I was offered to take the class for free at work. Passing a sommelier exam with the highest score in the class IS NOT my job requirement at all. Normally, only employees who work with wine daily can go through the program since the cost is pretty high. My chef went through the program and I was just hired there, where was a fine-dining Japanese restaurant. But he knew I loved wine with work experience at very famous restaurants with wine and helped me to go through the program.
Once the class started, I was a stranger - working at Japanese restaurant that carried only a few fine wine. On top of that, I was just a hostess, not even a server - I didn't even touch a wine at all !! About 10 people from a wine restaurant, about 10 people from a VERY famous wine restaurant, about 10 chefs from various locations, about 5 people from wineries and other companies, and my friend from a casual dining and me. But I was VERY confident that I could pass the test with my brain. It doesn't matter how good my skills for English and public speaking are. I studied, so I tried to raise my hand during the classes.
But the Master sommelier instructor(Just call him Mike) tended to point HIS people instead of me or others. I could see Mike didn't like me somehow and tried to avoid me. I know the reason - I'm FEMALE. He showed such absurd attitudes for entire 6 month class. So I studied hard.
I was so nervous right before the test. I felt like I was about to forget everything. But I had enough time to review it twice. After the Masters scored our tests, one of the Masters called our names passed the test. I was 99% sure that I had 100% and there was only ONE question I wasn't sure. I was worried like most of my classmates. When he said this was the last person....he didn't call my name :( My classmates looked at me with surprise. I couldn't believe I couldn't pass it. I was about to burst into tears..... Then he said "I'll call the name of the person who passed the test with the highest score in this class". He called MY NAME finally!! I was so relieved.... :)
When I was given the Sommelier badge and its certification, 4 master sommeliers gave me big hugs and compliments. Mike smiled at me and gave me a hug but I could tell it wasn't coming from his heart. But I FELT SO GOOD to have seen the face!! The class assistant who works with Mike daily was very supportive for the entire class. I told him the reason why I wanted to pass the test with the highest score. He came up to me and gave me big hugs and smiles after I got my badge!!
This was a big deal for my managers. They were so happy that all of the food and beverage managers talked about me at their meetings. I got a gigantic special cheese cake for me just because I kicked ALL of the servers (my classmates) who deal with wine daily at their WINE restaurants. After that, I was offered to teach one of the introduction wine class as a guest instructor. I did pretty good in the class :) I also helped a study group (around 10 people) for the next class - ALL of them passed it :)
I'd like to be a sommelier that I can share my knowledge and experience with my customers and friends without being snobby. Though I felt so great to have been able to show I can do it, passing a sommelier exam with the highest score in the class is just a step for me.
But the Master sommelier instructor(Just call him Mike) tended to point HIS people instead of me or others. I could see Mike didn't like me somehow and tried to avoid me. I know the reason - I'm FEMALE. He showed such absurd attitudes for entire 6 month class. So I studied hard.
I was so nervous right before the test. I felt like I was about to forget everything. But I had enough time to review it twice. After the Masters scored our tests, one of the Masters called our names passed the test. I was 99% sure that I had 100% and there was only ONE question I wasn't sure. I was worried like most of my classmates. When he said this was the last person....he didn't call my name :( My classmates looked at me with surprise. I couldn't believe I couldn't pass it. I was about to burst into tears..... Then he said "I'll call the name of the person who passed the test with the highest score in this class". He called MY NAME finally!! I was so relieved.... :)
This was a big deal for my managers. They were so happy that all of the food and beverage managers talked about me at their meetings. I got a gigantic special cheese cake for me just because I kicked ALL of the servers (my classmates) who deal with wine daily at their WINE restaurants. After that, I was offered to teach one of the introduction wine class as a guest instructor. I did pretty good in the class :) I also helped a study group (around 10 people) for the next class - ALL of them passed it :)
I'd like to be a sommelier that I can share my knowledge and experience with my customers and friends without being snobby. Though I felt so great to have been able to show I can do it, passing a sommelier exam with the highest score in the class is just a step for me.
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