Friday, April 16, 2010

The foods I can eat but don't like to eat

I'm a hardcore foodie - but I have the foods I can eat but don't like to eat. I can eat most of the stuff even like Natto (fermented soy beans). I'm not talking about foods at "Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern". I don't like to eat bugs nor something too exquisite - just to compensate protein or some sort of nutritious as food resources in the third world. I'm talking about foods more like the ones at "No Reservation" - local and authentic foods at the areas.

I'm adventurous and curious to try new and interesting foods. These are the foods  I can eat but don't like to eat - I'll give you the reason why I'm not so fond of eating them...

- Mint    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (It tastes like a tooth paste. Meh...), gum, candies etc.
- Cinnamon   Artificial cinnamon products, Cinnamon stick... I'm getting OK with cinnamon powder now :)
- Apple Pie   Ewww.. I don't like the texture when apple was cooked. I love fresh apple, of course.
- American candies    Chocolates and candies etc.  (They taste and look awful and unhealthy.... )

I'm glad that I was born as 100% Japanese - I can eat various foods. I'm fortunate that I don't have any food allergy so far. I think this list will get longer  if I tried more foods..... My principle is "AT LEAST I TRY ONCE". There are tons of food choices available. Life is so short. I don't need to eat foods I don't like. At least I tried - that's all matter. These are the foods I can eat but don't like to eat (unfortunately).

You might find the foods I can eat but don't like to eat on my restaurant reviews....


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